Monday 25 May 2015

seasonal dessert recipe

in this season, Guangzhou rains a lot. it almost rain few times a day, or keep raining all day long. the weather is humid and you will feel tacky and very sleepy all the time. so  in the season, Cantonese will eat something which helps the body to dehydrate. you can also drink a cup of coffee to achieve that, but for non coffee drinkers, I would like to introduce this recipe of dessert. 

red bean sweet soup

use your hand to measure
(serve 3-4 people) 

1. red bean              3  grabs
2. red ricebean        1 grab
3. coix seed              1 grab
4. rice                         1 grab
5. figs                        few (depend on your favour)
6. dates                    3-5 
7. jaggery                 1 (depend on your favour)

a. soak the fist 4 ingredients over night.
b. put everything into a pot, pour in  about a liter of water. 
c. cook until it was boiled. 
d. pour in a slow cooker and keeping cooking for about an hour. if you didn't have a slow cooker, use the same pot, and turn the fire to smallest after it was boiled, and keep cooking for about an hour.
e. put a slid of jaggery, and keep cooking until it was melted. 

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