Friday 6 February 2015

traditional snacks in the old town: Shang Xia Jiu pedestrian street上下九步行街

Shang Xia Jiu (上下九) is one of the pedestrian street in Guangzhou. initially, the street was created to let tourist feel the local culture. 19th century Cantonese style building can been seen on the street. however, the street currently become a commercial street. all the shops sell cheap and bad quality apparels.
  but in this area, you can find the most local  flavor of snacks.

Caution: there are a lot of pickpocket on this street, so you must watch out your wallet and mobile all the time.
and I don't suggest you go there on weekend, unless you want to experience what is so called "people mountain people sea"(人山人海).

1. Chan Tim Kee Fish skin  陈添记鱼皮

this small restaurant is located in a small alley, quite difficult to be found if you didn't ask for direction. but if you had asked, just ask someone in the nearby shops, you must found it. the restaurant is in an old Xi Guan Style building. 

they was given a good food certificate by a famous foodie. 

only three type of food on the menu
1.traditional little boat porridge  7 CNY (it was selling on the boat, so the name was gained. ingredients: fish,egg,pork,peanuts, rice and scallion) 
2. steam rice rolled noodles with soya source  3CNY   (ingredients: rice, soya source, white sesame seed )
3. crunchy fish skin  22CNY  (fish skin, sesame seed, sesame oil, peanut, ginger,coriander and scallion)

this is the fish skin, their famous product! Yummy! I love it! 

from left to righ: fish skin, porridge, rice rolled noodles

the restaurant is on this street: BaoHua Lu. If you were walking on this street, search this  road board, and the jewellery shop, the alley of the restaurant is just on the left of the road board.   

when you walk in the alley, you will found a lot friendly people telling you they are selling fish skin, ignore them ! that is the fake restaurant! the real Chan Tim Kee is the second restaurant on the alley.just keep walking until you have seen the Chan Tim Kee trade mark.  

2. Shun Kee ice cream

just the alley next to Chan Tim Kee, you can find Shun Kee ice cream shop. if you ask staffs in Chan Tim Kee, they will tell you how to come here.

it was an ice cream shop, but nowadays sell other kinds of food. it became a cantonese fast food restaurant. you will find rice, noodles, soup, snacks and desserts here. 

but the most famous food here, is --- coconut  ice cream! 

ice cream menu was highlighted. you can find many aspects of ice cream here, such as, mango, and durian ice cream. but the most famous one is ---- coconut ice cream!  13CNY for one scoop. it taste as good as the gelato in Rome. 

3. Man Kee Yi Xin Chicken  文记一心鸡

if you asked who makes the best chicken in the world, I can tell you it is not KFC, cantonese do much better than it. if you walk out from the front door of Shun Kee Ice Cream, cross the road, and go into the alley which on your right hand side, you will easily find Man Kee Yi Xin Chicken restaurant. try the canontese taste of chicken cuisine. 

4. Ginger vinegar  

if you walk on the Shang Xia Jiu pedestrian street, keep walking until you see a famous restaurant Taotao Ju (陶陶居),then ask people in the shop near by: where is the Shi Ba Pu Avenue  ( 十八浦大街 )? they will show you the way. and you will found the avenue is just a small alley. walk into the alley you will easily found some small shops selling Ginger vinegar. 

what is Ginger vinegar? it is a very nutrient food. Cantonese make ginger vinegar for pregnant women few days before giving birth. this nutrient food can help women's recovery of health. and also the family will give some ginger vinegar for friends to share their happiness. 
Ginger vinegar contains ginger, sweet vinegar, pork feet and eggs. it taste sweet and sour, you will feel the aroma of ginger but won't taste too much flavour of spice. ginger help to keep the body warm, pork feet contains a lot of collagen and calcium, and eggs contains protein, I think vinegar help all this element to be assimilated. one of my French friend questioned if animal collagen can be assimilated by human being. well, believe or not, the traditional Chinese medical science say 'yes'. which means eating skin is good for skin. this is a food for ladies. 

when you walk into the alley, the first ginger vinegar shop on your left--- Sam Ban Foo (三板斧姜醋), is the best tasted,  however, I much prefer to go to the third shop:  How Jee ginger vinegar (好姐姜醋). as I like the owner How Jee's  sweet personality. she is very talkative and always show her friendly smile. 

eggs is my  favourite part of ginger vinegar, in a cold weather, to have a bow of ginger vinegar, the whole body will just warm! 

you can also find other kind of food here. one of my favourite is -- blood jelly. you may think it is bloody and scary. Muslim, Jewish and many western people don't eat blood, but chinese is a very eco nation, since an animal has sacrificed, we must thank it and try to don't waste any part of its body. not mentioned that, traditional Chinese medical science thinks pig blood is good for lung.
it tastes salty, as salt was used to make the pig blood solidificated.

if you are open minded about food, you will enjoy a lot time in this area. 
I also made a phase table of these shops and  food names. print it out, and it can be made as a small card for you to ask for direction, and order food. 

 if you still don't know how to get there, don't hesitate to email me. I might show you around the area if i were free. 

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